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three youth wearing masks holding a Raptor's basketball

A Christmas like no Other

For many of us, Christmas 2020 was like nothing we’ve experienced. However, for many in our community, the feeling of isolation during holidays is not new. Compounded with the financial impacts of the pandemic, we knew this Christmas would be extra challenging for many neighbours. With your generous support, however, YSM was able to offer food, gifts and community to hundreds of struggling community members.

Throughout December, our Food Bank provided the choice of turkey, chicken or ham with regular, bi-weekly grocery supplies, in addition to providing 120 Christmas food hampers.

As an extra special treat, Toronto Raptors’ guard Norman Powell generously donated $6,000 to our Toy Market and hosted a socially distanced event for 30 YSM families, each of whom received a basketball and gift cards to purchase gifts, groceries and supplies to create a memorable Christmas.

Also, YSM hosted our first ever Toy Market curbside pick-up where more than 850 children safely received special gifts selected for them by their parents or guardians.
Finally, on Christmas day, staff at our Evergreen Centre handed out take-away Christmas dinners to 43 youth, offering a meal, a friendly face and a personal connection on that day.

Thank you for your role in giving hope and dignity to neighbours experiencing poverty by providing these special festive activities this past Christmas!

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