The future looks bright
ReVISION PARTNERSHIP is a collective of diverse collaborators across Toronto with the shared vision of a city where everyone has an opportunity to thrive and prosper. Supported by YSM, ReVISION PARTNERSHIP is resourced with tools, technology, and trained professionals to equip initiatives working toward our common goal of ending long-term poverty in Toronto. YSM has created a team of passionate individuals and shareable tools to help foster greater collaboration among those working to transform the lives and futures of individuals experiencing poverty.

YSM has developed tools to benefit other organizations and individuals looking to take action against poverty

Measuring impact
TIMES™ is a data-driven tool that measures progress made by individuals using YSM services and programs across various domains of well-being. Using a robust framework, we track individual outcomes that help inform how we can best support our community on their journey out of poverty.
We developed TIMES™ to be shared with other organizations. Contact us to learn how this tool may benefit your organization.
TIMES™ is one of YSM’s many tools developed to help community groups, agencies, and neighbourhoods in their effort to eradicate long-term poverty.

Action plans to end long-term poverty in Toronto
The ReVISION #HackPoverty initiative began as a half-day event which brought together leaders from key sectors across Toronto to identify areas for tangible and actionable change in the lives of single-parent families experiencing poverty. The event was co-created and led by an advisory group of people with lived experiences of poverty.
The half-day event evolved into three active working groups which are currently developing plans for change in Toronto in the areas of Community Supports, Housing, and Income & Benefits. A person with lived experience of poverty and a leader in the relevant sector co-chair each working group.

Just Act:
We are the solution to poverty
Just Act, written by YSM’s President & CEO Angie Peters, is a guide for people concerned about the growing rate of poverty in our communities, who have the desire to do change it, but don’t know where to begin.
Built upon insights firmly rooted in the lived experience of poverty and from system-wide collaborative work with leaders across many industries, Just Act provides a set of practical steps which individuals, community organizations, and businesses can follow to develop a high-impact plan to help individuals end poverty in one generation and fundamentally change our communities.