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St. John Ambulance Volunteers

Medical First Responder Volunteers

Since 1883, St. John Ambulance has been teaching first aid and CPR, as well as volunteering in communities across Canada. “This is what we do – we don’t only save lives, we change them”, says Elvis, Chief of St. John Ambulance Central Toronto.

When YSM reached out for help, Elvis and a team of medical first responder volunteers recognized our need and agreed to be part of YSM’s important services.

“Since May we’ve had 30 volunteers help at YSM, giving a total of 630 volunteer hours. Normally we volunteer providing medical first response care or responding to emergencies. The opportunity at YSM has given our volunteers the ability to do more community outreach and provide humanitarian work.

“Volunteering with YSM has been a great experience for our team. I have received feedback, every single day, from our medical first responders about how happy they are to put a smile on the faces of clients using YSM services.”

As days grew hot, St. John Ambulance realized they could do more and provided tents to shelter community members, volunteers and staff, creating comfort and protection from heat-related symptoms.

“Helping others is so important to me,” says Elvis, “as a society we should, can, and must do more for those in need. Putting a smile on someone’s face is the best care we can do for one another.”

To learn more about volunteering with YSM visit

Pictured: Susana , Bill, and Chief Elvis Silva, St. John Ambulance Toronto Medical First Responder Volunteers