The Regent Park Social Development Plan (SDP) outlines how to create a thriving community. In other words, it provides a blueprint describing the issues that need to be addressed in order to building a safe and healthy neighbourhood. Unlike many redevelopment projects, the Revitalization of Regent Park has always involved a two-track approach – a Physical Development Plan, began in 2006, and a Social Development Plan, endorsed by Toronto City Council in 2007. The Physical Development Plan calls for new streets, parks and facilities, along with new residential buildings and townhouses. The Social Development Plan maps out social strategies that will lead to a renewed community. Both physical and social changes are essential to achieving genuine revitalization.
In 2019, after a refresh process, the SDP revision its’ goals and set its focus on four area. 1. Safety 2. Employment and Economic Development 3. Community-Building 4. Communication Residents. The focus areas make social strategies ideas more accessible and useful to the residents, agencies, City departments and TCH staff who work together to improve the neighbourhood.

What we do
Four working groups collaborate to move this important city-building initiative forward. YSM’s Community Development Team supports each group by removing barriers to success to help facilitate meetings and decision making and ensure a collaborative process between all stakeholders.

Community Building working group
This working group brings residents and the Regent Park community together. As the vibrant, active, mixed-income neighbourhood is home to market-rate and social housing residents with social and economic differences, the group works to build a strong, unified community that bridges resident diversity.

Communications working group
This working group ensures that community policies, resources, events and programs are easily accessible for everyone in the neighbourhood.

Employment and Economic Development working group
This working group is focused on increasing sustainable employment rates and entrepreneurial opportunities for local residents.

Safety working group
This working group is focused on addressing safety issues in Regent Park and improving the neighbourhood's public image.

Evaluations Committee
This team is responsible for overseeing and implementing the SDP evaluation framework and process, including benchmarks and indicators, with the purpose to measure and monitor the success of the Regent Park Social Development Plan.

This Social Development Plan Committee
This Social Development Plan (SDP) Committee makes recommendations to the SDP Stakeholders Table on strategic direction and action priorities, inter-committee alignment, coordination, stakeholder and resident engagement.